dreamed of worms in flesh in dawn.^yesterday echoes harmony with Asoh Yukiko. I planned to visit zoo with baby son, warrenzh 朱楚甲 with porks and vegetables, but baby's mom refused joining us. i waited till afternoon and the sky turned pale. in the period i managed to resort home networks into working, after 3 days down for the telcom mistakenly blocked our broadband service. Its lunar Dragon Boat Day festival. i tried to gift 2 boys in our relatives with blessing, but each time led to baby son's teeth painful and cried in misery. i badly felt urgent to treat animals trapped in zoo, so i brought baby son launching after some pc games, around 3pm. baby dozed on the bus sound. i woke me up near destiny and he fresh as start when we join the zoo now turned open by removing fences and walls. we saw bears, wild pigs, eagle, deers, but sadly found the old eagle missing, likely died. we treated bears, wild pig and eagle with porks, they quite enjoyed except the eagle rested on the roof motionlessly. baby later joined me to toss vegetables to deers, and remnant meat to bears. there were lots of side watchers among tourists at the moment. baby son's only complain is that my purse too thin to allow he playing shooting game among stalls in the zoo. we soon dined out in a nearby restaurant baby chose with his mom after turned back. the dinner is OK, we shot some photos. then we played pc games after settled again in his mom's house, in beaming sunset on the balcony. baby still felt sad when i left to my QRRS dorms. in the night i went to bed later than 11:30pm, reviewing loves from younger lives in my caged freedom of life. God, u see how many blisses in my life. bring my girls sooner in our united life. let baby son enjoy games more on his new dell game desktop u promised!It rained again in the night. in dawn i dreamed of baby son. i also made twice water in the night. in dawn i dreamed a lot worms in my flesh. i know its all worship that ever-stronger on the earth that witness my Empire emerging.
lengest rain in 2011. dreamed of passed mother in rain rhyme.^the rain started last night, when i left the ditched office in QRRS near 8pm. i felt mercy in Asoh Yukiko's loving me. all the night i felt the sorrow while blessing. i also buzzed my siblings in my hometown, central China. when i looked into baby son's situation, i felt deep sorrow. but the rain saves. so i tried to buzz him to cheer him up. i tried twice but he yet listened me.the Monday i mostly stayed in dorm, for fun of harvests on web suffering drought under harsher blocking and censorship by China surveillance, report has it that it now harnessed white list to filter most essential web sites worldwide, close trapped Chinese on mainland into its shameless official propaganda curtain, which is totally lies and distorts. this dawn i listened the dense raindrops outside, i slept sounder. i also dozed after breakfast in canteen. i dreamed boarding in my 2nd elder sister's house, where my mother passing by but restless for my only kid brother's exam for college entrance. i waited before playing game for the return of my sister who went shopping grocery. i felt the touching love in my mother's heart, as well as among my other relatives.
last week also saw my upgraded my acer notebook with additional 2 GB rams. it cost me ¥200. the notebook also cleaned dust inside, resulting more game time with baby son happily. previously it worsened by gathering heat by dusts jammed around its fan and cooling cooper tube of video card. its such a marvelous operation that i still in thankfulness now.
God, its all good news for me, from ur mercy. pl bring me my girls in my new family sooner. bring baby son, warrenzh 朱楚甲 his new dell game desktop and a rich International Children's Day tomorrow! God, see my Empire of China in PRC's ruin intact. burn dirt and rip dark over the shadow of my Royal of China.
dreamed of shits again.^Its a cloudy morning. i prepared games for playing together with son in QRRS Dorms till lunch. after lunch i tried to doze awhile. dreamed a dorm mate receiving a visiting pal. i went to public lavatory and found shits covered the only 2 seats. i tried to avoid to stain my pants but failed, had to leave downstairs with fringes spotted with shits. last night i visited the canteen owner, for he asked me to copy some movies to his desktop. he two days ago lent me ¥200 as i trusted to equip my acer notebook with additional 2 GB ram. he might felt i was obliged to him, even i never borrowed without rewards. last month i borrowed near ¥320 from him and reward him ¥38, total ¥350 returned, with my lodging ¥360 for 2 meals in 4 weeks. the latter is repeatedly. in the night he invited me to drink beer with his late dinner. i talked about my career and my vision as he expected to probe me, while his legacy pc copying slowly. in dawn near 3 or 4am, just after i made water, a heavy rain poured down. it likely didn't last long, for when i got up near 6am, the ground superficailly wet. i join the sinful office at once, waiting a game download to complete, for most web file sharing sites worldwide one by one blocked by China surveillance these days, to name a few, hotfiles, firesonice, fileserve, ul.to, and almsot all popular file servers outside of China.last two days i experienced roller coaster emotionally. the first day on baby son, warrenzh 朱楚甲's birthday, May 25, i got an idea to upgrade my notebook with additional ram, for which i longing so long. it costed me ¥200 and so cheap&out-performed. i visited baby in his mom's house at noon heroically on way back to dorm. but misery descends when i attempted to change bios password. the change deadly locked me outside from boot up. i desperately searched web for resort, calling acer support team for help, and complained God not to allow me in peace but trouble. next day i stayed in dorm rarely in the morning, till i felt the drive bravely to spend another ¥20 on the smart young man who help me clean my acer and upgrade 2 gb ram the day before, betting my luck as well as the opening of computer technology. i was right! acer local support crew failed to fix my missing bios password, but the smart boy did. all the rest of the day i enjoyed the speed and fantasy of my more powerful notebook.

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